
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Snow on the countryside: Water reflection in the fields - Snow over trees

Tree reflection in the canal

Some weeks ago snow came down during the night... the day after the sky was clear and blue.
I didn't resist the temptation: I picked up my reflex and made a trip in the countryside to take some photos.
I spent about 90 minute walking in the fields and photographing nice things, I depleted 3 batteries, and took about 800 photos... In the next days I'll post some of the best images I've been able to develop.

In this specific photo, you can see some fields covered by snow, and the tree's reflection in the canal.
In this image I pushed the exposure/contrast of the canal, to made the refection more interesting.
There was a light haze coming up from the canal, you can barely notice it in the lower right corner.

Here is how it look  from the Google Car :-)

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!