
Friday, September 30, 2011

Island of Elba by photos: The Sun like a star - Burning sunset

The Sun, like a star.

Yes, I know, the Sun is a star :-) It's just one of the 2–4×1011 stars existing in our galaxy, which is only one of the 1.7 × 1011 estimated existing galaxies... wow, these figures always amaze me :-)
Anyway, in the post title I'm referring to the shape you can attain when shotting the sun at 70mm and  f 36, like in the shot above. It may be a bit exaggerated, but sometime I love to close the iris down to f 36 to shape the points of light like a star :-)

The Sun, blowing your monitor :-)

Of course, you can also shot the sun at 70mm and f 8, to attain a globular burning ball of fire that seem to blow your monitor :-) (no, it won't blow your monitor for real... :-))

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Island of Elba by photos: Waves and billows - Deep blue water

The wake of the ferry: waves, white billows, and deep blue water.

Photo made from the ferry that take you from Piombino to Portoferrario

Monday, September 19, 2011

Island of Elba by photos: Viticcio bay, one sunset for each day


...and landscape.

Which one do you prefer? Landscape or portrait?

Did I already mention that I took a ridiculous amount of photos at sunset time? :-)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Island of Elba by photos: Viticcio Bay, night and day - Photography times

Viticcio bay at golden hours time... (early morning)

Viticcio bay at sharp shadows time... (lunch time)

Viticcio bay at appetizer time... (dinner time)

Viticcio bay at sunset time...

Viticcio bay at night shot time!

All these photos have one things in common: I took them with a compact camera (Canon Ixus 870).
I still hate myself for not taking with me my DSLR during our first dinner on Elba Island :-|
These photos are nice, but the quality of image produced by my compact camera can't compete with a DSLR camera. The clouds doesn't looks naturals, and the colors are oversaturated and "grainy".

Anyway, each photo not taken is a memory that can go lost. I will not forget all these moments. :-)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Island of Elba by photos: Isola di Cerboli - Alone, like an island

Alone, like an island, in the middle of the sea.

This is the Island of Cerboli (link to google maps) near the Elba Island, Italy.
I took this photo from the ferry.
This photo is very homogeneous: only sky, sea, some haze, and a tiny island. 
I like it's symmetry, and the fact that it exasperate the concept of "isolation" of the island :-)